[minutes] 20150225 Web Performance

Available at:

- Ilya to merge his PRs for NELs
- plh to then publish a FPWD for NEL
- plh to review Performance object support PR in performance timeline
- Ilya to create a PR for ServiceWorker support in NT and RT
- plh to then update the graphics in NT and RT
- Ilya to do a PR for PerformanceObserver in Performance Timeline

Text version:

                             Web Performance

25 Feb 2015


           plh, igrigorik, Yoav, Michael, Tobin, Todd





      * [2]Topics
          1. [3]NEL PRs
          2. [4]Performance timeline PR7 and related
          3. [5]HRT issue 1
          4. [6]add workerStart to measure ServiceWorker startup
          5. [7]next steps for "PerformanceObserver"



       [8] https://github.com/w3c/navigation-error-logging/pull/30

    igrigorik: included the 500 requests yesterday
    ... 4xx won't be part of it
    ... only 3xx

    yoav: is there a mechanism for site owners to know about 404
    ... even they're content errors

    igrigorik: 500 are already logged
    ... 404 can already be extracted
    ... shooting for the minimal here: just protocol errors

    yoav: so 5xx is for gateways that may have lost the requet
    along the way

    igrigorik: yes
    ... content errors and application errors shoulnd't be included

    yoav: makes sense
    ... could be worthwhile to know that logic in the spec btw
    ... adding a note on why 4xx aren't there

    Todd: still little ensure on 5xx
    ... might make it optional
    ... it's a little on a the boundary

    igrigorik: in our current implementation, we report them. it's
    convenient for folks that are using it and in fact, they'd
    prefer more data but I'm pushing back

    todd: I'm imagining the case where they wouldn't want to see
    the 500

    igrigorik: [examples like CDNs]
    ... to start, we could make it optional and see the experience

    yoav: opt-in by apps or by implementation?

    igrigorik: "user agent MAY report 5xx" and tweaks with
    ... I'll update the proposal to make it optional and add a note
    on 4xx


       [9] https://github.com/w3c/navigation-error-logging/pull/29

    igrigorik: unregister report uris
    ... seveal report uris for reliability purposes
    ... we'd like to provide a way to remove them
    ... if the report uri returns a 410, that's a signal it needs
    to be removed
    ... second case is for the user agent to GC the report URIs if
    it wants to
    ... (such as multiple failures)

    todd: does 410 need an age so that the report URI can unblock

    igrigorik: not sure
    ... there is also retry after with the max-age
    ... you could respond that
    ... not sure if we need it in the spec

    todd: don't think it's important to have in the first iteration
    but could imagine scenarios for it

    igrigorik: I'll open a new bug and iterate there
    ... can I merge the pull requests?

    plh: sure

    [others are ok]

    igrigorik: can we rename the repo to network-error-logging

    plh: can we publish the FPWD for NEL?

    [no objection heard]

    Resolved: NEL to FPWD

Performance timeline PR7 and related

    igrigorik: looking at service worker and sync'ing our API with
    ... editorial exercise
    ... moved the Performance interface into PT
    ... so a bit of clean-up
    ... also in UT and RT to remove references to window
    ... since it's also available on worker

    plh: did you move Timing-Allow-Origin as well?

    igrigorik: not yet but agree to move

    plh: I'll do the merge by tomorrow

HRT issue 1


      [10] https://github.com/w3c/hr-time/issues/1#issuecomment-75820353

    igrigorik: related to service worker as well
    ... making the timeline start consistent
    ... ie all start if the start of the worker (dedicated or

    michael: for shared workers, you couldn't sync up a start time
    ... for dedicated, we were able to be more direct

    igrigorik: a worker could start an other worker

    michael: as long as they share the start time of the document,
    it's ok

    igrigorik: it seems odd to distinguish

    plh: do we have implementation of hrt for worker?

    igrigorik: not sure

    yoav: would be valuable to have both

    igrigorik shared worker doesn't have a document

    scribe: could also be a push
    ... completely detached

    igrigorik: the app can communicate the start time of the
    document (as well as performance.now)
    ... as a follow up, would be interested to see if it's

    todd: I don't think IE does support on worker


      [11] http://w3c.github.io/hr-time/#sec-time-origin


    yoav: looks like there is code in chrome for that
    ... not sure if it's shipped

    plh: follow on the issue thread

add workerStart to measure ServiceWorker startup


      [12] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-perf/2015Feb/0066.html

    igrigorik: new attribute on both NT and RT
    ... the point at which we route the request to the service
    ... if no SW, it returns 0

    plh: can you establish the SW time with one attribute?


      [13] http://w3c.github.io/navigation-timing/#h-processing-model

    igrigorik: that would be the difference between workerStart and

    plh: workerStart is between startTime and linkNegotiationStart?

    igrigorik: correct
    ... I'll create a pull for it

    plh: and I'll update the graphic

    todd: if you do a fetch and the SW does complex network
    operations, how do we report that?

    igrigorik: not sure how to communicate that
    ... you would see alll of those in the SW
    ... but would be opaque to the page
    ... you would have to move your logic in the service woker

    plh: if multiple request, what would you see?

    igrigorik: almost like it came from the cache

next steps for "PerformanceObserver"

interface LazyPerformanceEntryList {
    bool HasEntryType(string);
    PerformanceEntryList getEntries();
    PerformanceEntryList getEntriesByType(DOMString entryType);

    getEntriesByName(DOMString entryName)?

    Todd: this looks good to us
    ... one question: current proposal interplays with performance
    ... should we hook it earlier? ie performance timeline isn't

    igrigorik: if you want all events, you register your PO right

    yoav: can we unite the concepts and add navigation request as

    igrigorik: would be odd to have past timing information
    ... for nav timing, maight be ok, but would be odd for frame

    todd: can you opt-in? on document load, nav timing and RT are
    all loaded for you
    ... with PO, i may want to use that for them
    ... it feels strange to come up with a new construct and not be
    able to do the things we did before

    igrigorik: there is overlap


    scribe: NT and RT are in a special place

    plh: for NT< you'll get it in the observer after the load event

    igrigorik: ok. next step is to do a pull request

Received on Tuesday, 10 March 2015 20:34:41 UTC