Re: cache hints and preresolutions

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Peter L <> wrote:

> I don't understand what you mean. The point I'm making is that we can't
> push the jquery javascript resource used in your subresource example here:
> Push is only
> for same origin sub- resources, which means its potential impact on
> improving concurrency is much lower than hints. See this blog post for
> further argument on the importance of prefetching non same domain
> resources:

Say I've included "" on my site. Said third party
keeps a low TTL (60m) such that they can push quick updates, security
patches, and so on. In fact, such update is in the process of being rolled
out.. except, a malicious proxy comes along and embeds an "integrity" hint
on behalf of the third party leading the client to believe that the (bad /
outdated) script in its cache is, in fact, valid and good... Not a happy
outcome and reason why the proxy should not be allowed to push on behalf of
third parties, or claim things about the integrity of cached third-party
resources. If you want to address this, you should host the third party
resources on the same origin.


Received on Monday, 7 July 2014 21:34:28 UTC