Re: Internet Explorer 10 compatibility mode and Resource Timing

On 3 May 2013 20:44, "McCall, Mike" <> wrote:
> When a page specifies IE8 compatibility mode, via:
> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8"/>
> it seems the window.performance object in IE10 on Windows 7/8 no longer
> contains Resource Timing objects and methods.  It /does/ contain the
> Navigation Timing objects (which wasn't available in IE8, which makes this
> even stranger).  Is this expected behavior?  If so, is there a way to
> force IE10 to give up its Resource Timing data even when EmulateIE8 is
> specified?

I asked Jatinder a similar question a while back and he confirmed that

”The Resource and User Timings APIs are only available in the latest
standards mode and IE9 mode.”



Received on Friday, 3 May 2013 20:30:05 UTC