[minutes] Web Performance WG Teleconference #107 2013-04-24

Meeting Summary:

1.     Diagnostics and Error Logging

To ensure that the proposed Error Logging interface doesn't contain any security or privacy concerns, we've asked members to follow up with their security and privacy teams and raise any concerns with the interface with the working group. Microsoft and Google reviews are still ongoing.

Based on feedback from the working group, we have separated the interface for historical error data related to the document errors, and for errors on the current document. The new spec drafts for Navigation Error Logging, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webperf/raw-file/tip/specs/NavigationErrorLogging/Overview.html, and Resource Error Logging, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webperf/raw-file/tip/specs/ResourceErrorLogging/Overview.html, are meant to replace the Error Logging spec, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webperf/raw-file/tip/specs/ErrorLogging/Overview.html.

2.     Resource Priorities

Based on feedback from the working group, the Resource Priorities spec has been updated such that "defer" attribute has now been renamed to "delay" to differentiate from the existing "defer" attribute specified for the <script> element, elements or objects with the "delay" attribute no longer delay the load event of the document from firing, and User Agents may further delay downloading resources of elements or objects with the "delay" attribute if their bounding box is outside of the viewport or their display property is set to none.

Seeing that the "delay" name may be perceived as delaying the page performance, instead of speeding it up, we should consider other names as well.

3.     Resource Timing Updates

Microsoft will be reviewing and providing feedback on the Resource Timing test cases by next Wednesday's call.

4.     Agenda for next week's call

We will continue our discussion of Error Logging and Resource Priorities next week.

W3C Web Performance WG Teleconference #107 2013-04-24

IRC log: http://www.w3.org/2013/04/24-webperf-irc

Meeting Minutes: http://www.w3.org/2013/04/24-webperf-minutes.html


Jatinder Mann, Aaron Heady, Arvind Jain, Tony Gentilcore, Rob Dickenson, Alois Reitbauer


Jatinder Mann


1.     Diagnostics and Error Logging

2.     Resource Priorities

3.     Resource Timing updates


Diagnostics and Error Logging



Jatinder: Based on feedback from the working group, we felt that we needed a separate interface for historical error data related to the document errors, and for errors on the current document. Based on this feedback, I have uploaded drafts for the Navigation Error Logging [1] and Resource Error Logging [2] specifications. These two specifications are designed to replace the current Error Logging spec draft [3].

<plh> I'm in the in HTML f2f meeting. please, let me know if I need to join the call and I will

<DanielAustin> Greetings - sorry stuck in the HTML WG meeting


The startTime attribute must return a DOMHighResTimeStamp with the time immediately before the user agent starts to queue the resource for fetching. If there are HTTP redirects or equivalent when fetching the resource, and if all the redirects or equivalent are from the same origin as the current document or the Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP response header rules are met, this attribute must return the same value as redirectStart. Otherwise, this [CUT]

Otherwise, this attribute must return the same value as fetchStart.


Jatinder: Also, instead of defining a buffer clearing and setting method for each type of object that has a buffer, I recommend we should update Performance Timeline to define a clearData(DOMString entry) and setBufferSize(DOMString entry, unsigned long maxSize) method, where entry is a type of PerformanceEntry object buffer that is to be set. This method would currently apply to PerformanceResourceTiming, ResourceErrorLogging, and NavigationEr[CUT]
... Please review the specs and give feedback. We can discuss in next week's call.
... Tony, did the Chrome team finish their privacy and security reviews?

Tony: I believe they have not yet.

Jatinder: Our review is still ongoing. We can discuss in a future call the details of the reviews once they are done.
Resource Priorities

Jatinder: Based on feedback on this thread, I have updated the spec draft with the following changes:
... "defer" attribute has now been renamed to "delay" to differentiate from the existing "defer" attribute specified for the <script> element.
... We may want to rename it to something else that doesn't sound like we're "delaying" the page.
... Elements or objects with the "delay" attribute no longer delay the load event of the document from firing.
... - User Agents may further delay downloading resources of elements or objects with the "delay" attribute if their bounding box is outside of the viewport or their display property is set to none.
Resource Timing

Jatinder: Microsoft has reviewed the Resource Timing test cases. We'll send out detailed notes this coming week.

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 18:07:56 UTC