Re:, attribute or function?

I agree that a function makes more sense.

- James

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:46 PM, James Simonsen <>wrote:

> I hadn't noticed that. The original proposal had it as a function. I
> prefer a function too.
> James
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
>> Hi Perf minded people.
>> I just noticed that is defined to be an
>> attribute. So the syntax is:
>> x =;
>> This feels a bit strange to me since generally it feels like
>> attributes represent a more constant value. I.e. that they only change
>> in response to explicit actions like function calls.
>> In particular. I would have expected
>> ==;
>> to always test true, for basically any 'foo' object and 'bar' property
>> name. However that obviously isn't the case for
>> It seems a bit more intuitive that
>> ==;
>> might not test true (at least in a non-functional language like JS).
>> Obviously this isn't inherently the case. A getter can take just the
>> same types of actions as a function. It just seems like bad
>> programming style to do so.
>> How would people feel about changing it to
>> / Jonas

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2012 21:09:19 UTC