RE: [Page Visibility] LC issues

> The text as written makes the visibility state change happen after unload.  Was that the intent?

My intention is to have the visibilitychange event fire after the pagehide but before the unload. This would be between the current steps 2 and 3 in the HTML5 unload a document processing model - 

>I think having HTML5 have a hook between pagehide and unload via a hook is fine...  I'd vastly prefer 
> that to overriding part of the algorithm directly in this spec, and I bet so would the HTML5 editor.
> -Boris

I had initially misunderstood what you meant by a hook. Yes, inserting a hook between firing the pagehide and unload in the HTML5 spec and anchoring to that hook within Page Visibility spec would be an optimal solution. I will start a thread with the HTML5 editor.


Received on Wednesday, 29 February 2012 19:41:19 UTC