Re: Navigation Timing in Firefox

On 10/14/11 1:32 PM, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> I noticed that they fail on the following tests:

I haven't looked into whether this test is correct or what the spec says 
here... if anything.  Please file bugs as neded!


The test looks wrong to me.  In particular, it's running the 
loadEventEnd test before the relevant load event is completed in Gecko, 
so we're correctly returning 0 for loadEventEnd.

In particular, the test is using this setup:

   <iframe onload="onload_test();">

and in Gecko the load event firing on the <iframe> is the default action 
of the load event on the window contained in the subframe.  Therefore 
onload_test is run before event dispatch for the window's load event is 

Of course the spec doesn't actually define what it means for the load 
event to be "completed", so testing it is somewhat nonsensical in any 
sync setup run off load events; a test run off a timeout set in onload 
would make more sense.

How do I report a bug in the test?  There seems to be no link to do that 
at or anywhere else I can find.

> They fail a lot more of the tests if the tests are executed in an
> iframe, such as
> It looks like they don't support window.performance.navigation within a
> iframe?

That's not an iframe.  It's an <object>.

And yes, looks like inside an <object> window.performance is null at the 
moment.  Looks like a bug to me.  I filed


Received on Friday, 14 October 2011 18:10:08 UTC