Re: [PageVisibility] Are visibility change events synchronous?

On 10/1/11 1:15 AM, Darin Fisher wrote:
> In Chromium, the visibility state (as WebKit sees it) is modified from
> an IPC message (i.e., from a shallow call stack).  It is completely
> asynchronous to actual tab changes that happen in a separate process.

Well, sure, but there could be other visibility-changing things that 
page script can trigger.  And in any case, this doesn't address the 
concern I actually raised, which was about page-visible visibility state 
changes, not user-visible visibility changes.  The two are pretty 
loosely correlated, obviously.

In any case, here is what Gecko will be implementing if my currently 
proposed patch lands.  I believe the description below is a minimal one 
that defines the behavior in a way in which this spec should define it; 
the spec will need it or something like it if different behavior is 
decided on:

1)  visibilitychange events fire synchronously after the visibility 
state of the document changes.  There is no way to observe a document in 
a changed visibility state without the event having fired (though of 
course it may not have propagated to your listener yet).

2)  The visibility state of a document changes synchronously on page 
navigations.  In particular, it changes to hidden (if not already 
hidden) synchronously after the firing of the pagehide event and changes 
to visible as needed synchronously before the firing of the pageshow event.

3)  In all other cases, visibility state changes happen directly off the 
event loop.


Received on Sunday, 2 October 2011 22:52:25 UTC