WoT Home Assistant Group Kick-Off

WoT Home Assistant Focus Group Kick-Off


Hi Folks,


It's time to kick off the Home Assistant Focus Group of the WoT Community
Group.  This is the follow-on to the TPAC breakout on WoT in Home Assistant.


We have an agenda item on the next Community Group call on December 4th.  


Meeting link:

Agenda Link:


Our Focus Group has a folder in the WoT CG GitHub repository.



We also have a discord channel.


Reading the channel discussion shows the evolution of the integration and
devices described below.


I'd like to invite others to share their thoughts on what we should seek to

Please feel free to share the in response to this email, or on the github




As we move forward, when we have things to discuss, we'll have agenda time
on CG calls.


WoT Home Assistant Integration


Finally, I'd like to share what I've been up to.   With the help of Philipp
Blum, Luca Barbato, and Ege Korkan, I've created a WoT Home Assistant
integration (HA) and a 2 sample WoT devices that work with it.


Those are listed on the Focus Group Readme:


The Home Assistant integration uses wot-py, and the devices are using


There are also some consumer smart devices that have flashable ESP32
controllers, which we can flash ArduinoWoT code onto.  An example is Shelly
Smart Plugs, which we can use to control "regular" devices via automation.
We can avoid having to DIY the relay/mains voltage aspects, reducing the
risk of starting fires.




Eating your own dog food or "dogfooding" is the practice of using one's own
products or services



It would be super helpful if others are willing to dogfood this.  If people
are interested, we can setup a call to do a "live-install" of Home
Assistant, and or a workshop to walk through your installation as well.


What you'll get by installing Home Assistant is that it will automatically
discover many proprietary devices you may already have in your home.  Home
Assistant was the first controller that allowed me to reliably control the
various devices in my home in the same dashboard.  


Your dogfooding will help the community gain experience from practical
implementation of WoT in smart home scenarios and help evolve WoT
implementation libraries identifying and fixing interop issues.


Who's in?



Received on Monday, 20 November 2023 22:45:08 UTC