Re: static permission functions on Notification

On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 01:32:07 +0100, Jon Lee <> wrote:
> I've been trying to scan through other specs, and don't see others who  
> are using the feature permission spec. And as far as I know there are no  
> implementers of that spec. I don't think we should block ourselves on  
> the completion and adoption of it to support notifications.
> Does anyone else have an opinion on this?

I kind of wish we could come up with a design that does not require them  
at all, because permission grants are horrible. Not having a "feature  
permission" specification is probably one step in that direction. :-)

The "feature permission" specification was originally going to be  
published by this group as it was mostly made for notifications; but some  
saw use for other features too, such as disk quota grants, geolocation,  
... That idea never got much traction though as far as I can tell so  
putting permission methods statically on the Notification object might be  
a good idea.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2012 08:42:58 UTC