Extra option for custom information


after read the latest ED, I noticed there is not an easy way to identify
particular properties of one notification.

I.e the option's tag is there, however the use of it will be to identify
context rather than behavior.

There is not a clear way to add extra properties that can be really
useful at the UI level.

Let's assume, we have the following notification:

var notification = new Notification("New Email Received", { icon:
"mail.png" })

notification.onshow = function() {setTimeout(notification.close, 15000) }

After the 15 seconds the notification gets closed, probably soon if the
onclick event triggers the close event as well.

Nevertheless, a common use case in notification systems is that the
notification is shown, but the user don't interact, some of these
notifications get discarded, however, others due to the importance of
them, are saved somewhere else (messages not read, sms, etc) for later

With the current options available, there is not an easy methodology to
add for
instance information to indicate that a notification is persistent at
the UI level.

An extra options in the Notifications Options like:

DOMString extra; (another meaningful name is more than welcome)

could to this job, this option could be reserved for all of the
information that it is not common over all the notifications, but that
can be extremely useful at the agent's level in terms of behavior

Therefore, the end-user will have the capability to add extra
information, like the indication of persistence, timestamps, etc;
without to overlap other options such as tag.


Received on Saturday, 28 July 2012 18:21:31 UTC