Re: Starting up...

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Navarr Barnier <> wrote:

> In reference to Web Notifications (where you load a URL instead of static
> content), it may be important to add a new type of listening event to the
> document being loaded.  I believe at the current onload="" triggers when the
> page is loaded, but not shown, which is only problematic when we consider
> that if there are multiple notifications, some being hidden, the onload
> (which may trigger a timeout for self.close()) will be called before the
> notification is shown.
This is an interesting point - I would expect that none of the notification
contents would be loaded until the notification was being displayed, so you
shouldn't have this issue, but I haven't reviewed the latest spec yet to see
if that's explicitly called out in the spec.


Received on Sunday, 30 January 2011 23:16:51 UTC