More on Web NFC scoping

High level features for the Web NFC specification include the following:

1. Support devices with single or multiple NFC adapters.
2. Support communication with active (powered devices such as readers, phones) and passive (smart cards, tags, etc) devices.
3. Allow users to act on (e.g. read, write or transceive) discovered NFC devices (passive and active) as well as access the NDEF records which were read in the process.
4. Allow the user to write a payload via NDEF records to compatible devices, such as writeable tags, when they come in range.
5. [future] Allow manual connection for various technologies such as NFC-A and NFC-F depending on secondary device.
6. [future] Allow NFC handover to Bluetooth or WiFi.
7. [future] Allow card emulation with secure element or host card emulation.

2 using passive devices and readers are standardized elsewhere.  See next line as well.
6,7 are (AFAIK...) already standardized which means that this is really about their implementation in a "WebOS", right?

Of course card-based NFC could have a web-page-based server-side but the point with that seems awfully small, particularly when you take in consideration that these systems were not developed for usage on the Internet, they are typically used with very specific terminals.


Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2015 14:39:53 UTC