Re: [W3C Webmob] New Teleconference times from March!

On 09/02/2015 09:43, Natasha Rooney wrote:
> The teleconference time doodle is now closed!  Thank-you to all who took
> part! The results are: most people would like our monthly call time and
> day to be Mondays at 4pm UTC.
> We will keep the call to the same day and time for February (25th at 3pm
> UTC) but from March we will be holding our calls on one of the Mondays
> at 4pm UTC.
> Dom is currently rescheduling Zakim and creating a new ical feed (many
> thanks Dom!) when this is done we will send an email to the list
> inviting you all to check the times and download the new ical feed.

The icalendar has now been updated with the new schedule:


Received on Monday, 9 February 2015 08:47:43 UTC