Re: Introduction

Hi Marcos,

On 5/7/14, 11:41 AM, "Marcos" <> wrote:

>Hi Ian, 
>On May 6, 2014 at 10:57:14 AM, Maffett, Ian ( wrote:
>> > Hello everyone,
>> My name is Ian Maffett, and Iım a software engineer with Intel.
>> I work on the HTML5 tools team and my responsibilities vary from
>> native container code, server side code, and JS frameworks.
>> Since 2010, Iıve been focusing mainly on hybrid applications
>> and performance on the client side. Like many others, I joined
>> WebMob to help bridge the performance gap in browser and hybrid
>> applications. Iım hoping to see the group help the mobile browser
>> platform more rapidly adopt new features and technology that
>> exists in desktop and W3C standards.
>Welcome to the group! We currently have 3 activities running:
>1. Build some ServiceWorker sample apps: we aim to "take ServiceWorkers
>for a spin" and see if we can identify some issues that would affect
>performance or other things on mobile.
>2. Canonical orientation: orientation on the platform is a total mess -
>implementations on mobile are even worst: no one seems to agree what is
>"up" and the APIs are totally confusing ("-180" is not a helpful angle,
>dammit!:)). We aim to see if we can consolidate all the specs and come up
>with some sane definition of orientation on the platform. We are just
>about to start this work.

I should be able to participate in helping with the orientation demo.  My
github username is imaffett

>3. Installable web apps: the web lacks a means that allows web
>applications to be installed on a user's device. This relegates web
>applications to be second-class citizens on mobile devices. Using hard
>data, this activity tries to tease out the use cases and requirements for
>installable web apps. These requirements are informing the
>standardization of the WebAppsWG's manifest format [1].

I may be able to help out with this too.

>If you want to be involved in any of the above, send me your GitHub
>username and I can add you as a contributor. You can also subscribe to
>any of the repos above on GitHub to receive updates (or fork at your
>Hope you can help out!
>Kind regards,

Once I have access, Iıll start playing around with the repoıs and touch
base again.



Received on Thursday, 8 May 2014 11:23:43 UTC