Re: [coremob-report][mobile-web-app-state] up to date spec status with specref

On Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 8:06 AM, Tobie Langel wrote:

> The data it contains is kept up to date by a nearly fully automated process. It's API should allow you to really easily issue a report/build a website of the status of specs pertaining to mobile Web. Getting the status of all the specs in the Coremob 2012 report is as simple as making an HTTP get request to a single URL[2]. It's JSON-P and CORS enabled. Given how much time we spent gathering that data and keeping it up to date in Coremob, this should be a real time saver.

Agreed. This is super helpful. Should be trivial to wire it all up to have the report automagically show the status (+ maybe a few other goodies). 

I've created an action for this:
> Of course, the output of the testing work I'm doing (test coverage, test results) will be compatible with that dataset (same indexes) and accessible through a similar API, granted, of course, we get sufficient funding to carry this effort through.

> As I mentioned on irc, I'll be a TPAC and I'm happy to come give the IG an update on the testing effort.
That would be great! 

Kind regards,

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 11:25:07 UTC