Re: Mobile, Web and Multi-device


I've got a slightly different perspective of what 'mobile' means today for the web.

Users tend to interact with various sites/apps/services with whatever device is at-hand.

They might begin an interaction with their phone only to pick it up a few hours later on their laptop and eventually finish the interaction on their tablet sitting on the sofa in-front of their TV. While the user does indeed move from context to context, so does the site/application itself - ideally maintaining the users state, preferences, etc. but presenting the user with an interface that makes sense in that context.

In this sense, it's not only the user that is mobile - but more importantly the site/application as it conforms to the features and constraints present in *every (device) context* the user decides to interact with it.

Bryan Rieger

On 18 Sep 2013, at 09:45, Satoru Takagi <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I usually interpret mobile from the situation of the user. When a user uses web in the physically moving situation, I consider that it is mobile web. Therefore there may be constituents of the mobile there when a moving user uses a certain fixed signage on the street.
> Satoru Takagi

Received on Wednesday, 18 September 2013 09:05:13 UTC