Web and Mobile Interest Group First Face-to-Face: TPAC 2013

Hi all,

The chairs would like to invite you to the first face-to-face Web and
Mobile Interest Group meeting at TPAC 2013! Like many other groups we will
be taking advantage of the TPAC event and hold our face-to-face there
which should allow for maximum attendance. Details are below:

Date: Thursday 14th & Friday 15th November 2013
Location: Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House (TPAC Venue), Shenzhen, China
Observers: Permitted, please ask chair's approval
TPAC Registration: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2013/

Please remember that travelling to China means many of us will need to
apply for visas. Please leave plenty of time to do this! For all TPAC
information including visas, location, hotel and schedule please check the
TPAC website: http://www.w3.org/2013/11/TPAC/.

If you have any further questions or comments please let myself, Jo or
Marcos know.



Natasha Rooney | Web Technologist | GSMA | nrooney@gsma.com | +44 (0) 7730
219 765 | @thisNatasha | Skype: nrooney@gsm.org
7th Floor, 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BF

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Received on Monday, 16 September 2013 09:16:02 UTC