[webintents] Should DAP revisit WebIntents?

[I’ve cc’d the DAP public list deliberately on this message to the public web intents TF list]

As many of you know, DAP worked on  Web Intents before discontinuing the work due to concerns about implementer interest and issues related to the specification. We published Web Intents as an informative WG Note [1] and shelved the "Pick Media Intent", "Pick Contacts Intent" and "Web Intents Addendum - Local Services” editor drafts  [2].

This might be a good time to see if there are any changes in the landscape, as we are discussing the roadmap for future DAP work and possible changes to the charter (though WebIntents is already in scope).

Is there any new work or progress in this area, with Chrome, or other implementations?  Robin, are ‘web wishes’ related and relevant [3]? Should DAP be looking at them more closely?

Should we consider revisiting the WebIntents work, even if  in a slightly different way?

What do you think?


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-web-intents-20130523/

[2] http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/#shelved

[3] http://darobin.github.io/web-wish/

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 14:24:59 UTC