Re: Joint protocols


On 9/20/2012 6:17 AM, Greg Billock wrote:
> I support Ian Hickson's proposal that web intents,
> registerProtocolHandler, and registerContentHandler be considered all
> part of the same feature. That kind of thing is being discussed on the
> WhatWG list.
Ok, thank you. I must have missed his support.
> registerProtocolHandler allows application code to handle a request,
> but it handles the full url. It won't, say, chop some parameters off
> of the url and do something else with them.
> Letting the user apply custom styling seems like a UA feature.
The example is not for the user to apply styling which would be a UA 
feature, but for links to be crafted to prompt this styling. So, if, for 
example, I want to enhance the styling of some quotation, or do custom 
highlighting (while ever-pointing to an authoritative, yet source) as 
well as XPointer-like behavior, mash-up transparently with other sources 
of data, etc., this could all be available in the URL (ideally without 
the targeted content site needing to have its own handlers for the 
styling aspects).

I see other advantages of splitting responsibility, e.g., to claim 
support of part of a protocol to allow control to go back to finding 
other protocol handlers if one is only supporting a protocol partially.


> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Brett Zamir <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Since I understand Web Intents may be taking up protocol registration (is
>> that definitive?), I'd like to ask whether the concept of a joint would be
>> feasible...
>> By this I mean suggesting a formalized means of allowing two independent
>> protocols to co-exist within the same URI, or at least to allow one protocol
>> to include other protocols with the same reuse of conventions.
>> My use case is to allow for a standard means of specifying styling
>> information in a bookmarkable manner, while allowing the retrieval protocols
>> to differ. For example, a link might state:
>> web+pipeline:someBook.html?css-include=div#chapter1&stylesheet=style.xsl&rules=p{color:blue};*{font-size:x-large}
>> ...while another protocol could utilize the same styling approach
>>      isbn-lookup:1231231230?rules=p{color:blue};*{font-size:x-large}
>> Maybe this reuse can be done as needed, but I wonder whether now might be
>> the time to consider such possibilities.
>> Best wishes,
>> Brett

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2012 00:26:34 UTC