Re: ARIA mapping of intent

On 2/1/12 4:21 AM, Paul Kinlan wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> Because we are looking to have the intent tag in the body, one of my
> thoughts early on would be for a AT to tell the user that the
> application they are using has the ability to support external actions
> - is this something that we need to specify further in the web intent
> spec?

That one is fairly complete. The "title" attribute, and aria attributes 
can be applied to nearly any tag.
It's plausible one might add title to the intent tag; I don't think that 
has to be explicitly mentioned.

As I shared, and you've shared, intent in the body tag supports fallback 
content. That's a very good thing.

So, at present, I don't think anything more needs to be added to the 
<intent> tag.
I did suggest another window type awhile back, but that's not an AT issue.

> On the subject of  "this is a share button, registered to 2
> applications" - we never planned to divulge the number of items
> registered to AT or non-AT based apis, but the rest seems reasonable.

Programmatic access is an important responsibility for the UA as 
outlined by the UAAG and WCAG.
When Chrome pops up the window at least, to say "here are your options", 
that ought to be made available to ATs.

As for making it available ahead of time -- I'm sure you'll be adding 
something to the chrome.* namespace to enumerate and work with Intents.
That's something that your a11y people will be hooking into for things 
like ChromeVox / Chrome OS.

This part of it is very much about the UA itself providing information, 
I haven't seen what the built-in interface for Web Intents will look 
like in Chrome.

I could envision something as simple as a page action. In AT-land, it's 
reasonable that a person could focus on the page action, and get 
additional information.

Much of this is speculation, and it'll be a lot easier to test in the 
real world once the first built-in versions land.

> Impicitly it seems that<input type=file>  is analagous to "pick", and
> given that we can have an accepts attribute we can logically assume
> that the AT can understand this.  On other types, such as a clickable
> div that looks like a button Aria roles seem like a nice solution.
> I do have one question how do we resolve the fact that the action can
> be a url, which in the case of all of the actions under the
> namespace they are?  An aria roles contain the
> following character classes [A-Za-z0-9_-%&:/\;,] - i.e can they be a
> url?

Seems so.
"The datatype used for @role permits the use of a TERM, a CURIE, or a 
full URI."

I'd rather use short names like  "intent:share button" than the long 
form uri.
Any chance we could spec an equivalance? == intent:share

That'd be nice.


Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2012 20:53:20 UTC