Declarative invocation

Web Intents would appear to be well suited to supporting rich interactive UI via apps in webpages without Javascript enabled. This requires a declarative invocation specification.

For example, editing a textbox, or filling a contact input form, providing an image input blob, social share widgets, etc.

It might be useful to allow input forms to be marked up with Web Intent inputs and result outputs plus the intent action and type.  Web browser might be able to guess or remember appropriate intents to use for input forms even on pages not marked up for this.  For example, a wikimedia textbox for which the user can choose a rich app to edit or generate content.

A new fallback element might also be handy, for example if a browser does not support declarative web intents then this element could include a default html editor for a text/html textbox, or include a group of popular social widgets for sharing.  This might work in a similar way to the <noscript> element, or might be the body of a web intent invocation element for which the body is ignored if web intents are enabled.

Declarative invocation might also be easier for web authors.

There appears to be potential for helping users that choose to only enable javascript on trusted webpages because the user would gain the choice of using a rich app from a trusted website to perform some common tasks.



Received on Sunday, 9 December 2012 03:45:41 UTC