Proposal for "default services" parameter in IntentParameters dictionary

Another chapter in the proposals coming out of the F2F... This one is
about adding a way for the client to propose default services for a
particular intent invocation, to make sure the picker will not be


Add an attribute to the IntentParameters dictionary as follows:

dictionary IntentParameters {
 DOMString action;
 DOMString type;
 any data;
 sequence<Transferable> transfer;
 dictionary<string> extras;
 URL service;
 sequence<URL> defaults;

This adds the "defaults" attribute to the IntentParameters dictionary
proposed for the object literal syntax. The value stored in this
attribute must be a vector of absolute URLs of Services implementing
qualifying web intents services.

If the user agent needs information about the all or any of the
services (i.e. disposition, title, icon, etc) for use in preparing its
UI, it MAY load the suggested default service URL(s) and examine the
page(s) for the <intent> tag, reading off such information, or load
the favicon for the site(s). The User Agent SHOULD ignore the defaults
suggested by the intent invocation if the user already has a handler
selected. The User Agent MAY ask the user if they wish to install all
or any of the suggested default services, just like for
any other visit of those page.

If the user has no persistent information about a qualifying service
registered with the User Agent, the User Agent SHOULD present the user
with the option to select from the default handlers proposed by the
client at invocation.

The User Agent MUST NOT deliver the intent payload to the page loaded
as a default unless the Intent filter in the <intent> tag registration
in the service page matches the intent invocation data according to
the action/type matching algorithm, just like for any intent delivery.

If the 'service' parameter is present, invoking an explicit intent,
the "defaults" parameter is ignored.


Some questions. First off, I don't like "defaults". I think it makes
it sound like a more permanent default setting, which we want to
reserve for something arranged by the user and the UA. I prefer
"recommendations". Does that sound good? "recommendedServices"? Any
better ideas?

I've left it very much up to the UA how to interpret these suggested
services. It may want to give the user opportunity to install them,
not display them in the case of a default or a preselected
alternative, etc. I want developers to be able to expect that
providing them means the user won't confront a dead end on an intent
invocation. Does this wording adequately communicate that?

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 20:42:58 UTC