RE: Is discovery good enough for wider use cases

Thanks everyone for clearing up my misunderstanding of setDefault. Josh
LOL at your response "No no no".

The default/suggestions make sense when coupled to a description of how
UA logic for displaying the picker works. 

So to get my use case to work using progressive enhancement, we: 
1.	Test for window.intents and swap out my four proprietary share
buttons for one button that fires the intent
2.	Then setup default/suggestions for all four services 
3.	If the user has already got a registered service the intents UI
displays in the picker or goes straight to that option
4.	If the user has no registered service the picker will show the
four default options
5.	Over time UA learns about choices, and the default/suggestions
are used less and less.

That works for me! - As long I have not got it completely wrong again.

Glenn Jones

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2012 13:55:56 UTC