Proposal for incorporating explicit intent invocation into the object literal constructor

The use case here is enabling direct access to an intent service's
intent API from the client page.

Add an attribute to the IntentParameters dictionary as follows:

dictionary IntentParameters {
 DOMString action;
 DOMString type;
 any data;
 sequence<Transferable> transfer;
 dictionary<string> extras;
 URL service;

This adds the "service" attribute to the IntentParameters dictionary
proposed for the object literal syntax. The value stored in this
attribute must be an absolute URL of a page implementing a qualifying
web intents service.

If the user agent needs information about the service (i.e.
disposition, title, etc) for use in preparing its UI, it MAY load the
service URL and examine the page for the <intent> tag, reading off
such information. The user agent MUST NOT deliver the intent payload
to the page unless the Intent filter in the <intent> tag registration
in the explicit service page matches the intent invocation data
according to the ation/type matching algorithm, just like for any
intent delivery.

The expected User Agent behavior is that if this "service" attribute
is present, the picker SHOULD NOT be displayed (although the User
Agent is not prohibited from providing the user a way to reroute such
calls, even though they are marked explicit). Instead, the service url
SHOULD be loaded directly to handle the intent.

The User Agent MAY ask the user if they wish to install this service,
just like for any other visit of the page, but SHOULD NOT do so


Note that this text references a still-to-be-fully-specified matching
algorithm. We've been working on that, and it'll be along shortly.
(The outline will be what we talked about in the F2F, we're just
trying to debug particulars.)

Another question: I'd pondered putting "MUST NOT" instead of "SHOULD
NOT" in the last sentence about automatic installation. I'm worried
that this might be a super-cookie, so I think it is probably a bad
idea, but on the other hand, I don't want to restrict user agents too
much, as automatic installation may be a really good UI strategy.

Received on Thursday, 5 April 2012 22:11:22 UTC