Re: Web Intents - Scenario: TV System (part 6)

Bjartur, I'll start a thread with you off-list to see where the
confusion is and then update the doc as necessary.


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 3:10 AM, Bjartur Thorlacius <> wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 20:41:35 -0000, Greg Billock <>
> wrote:
>> No. The proposal can be found at
> Yeah, I had read the JavaScript API proposal and failed to apprehend the use
> cases.
> Say you have a HTTP file storage service. You could POST new files to /,
> where from you could also GET an index of uploaded files. You could then PUT
> modifications to the URI of any previously uploaded file.
> This means the user can GET a file, edit it (locally or by piping it through
> a third host) and PUT it back. The file storage service has only to inform
> the User Agent as to what methods are supported for each resource (or class
> of resources, by using URI templates).
> My failure to understand what problems Web Intents are to solve, and how,
> seem more fundamental than a simple misreading of a document. I must be
> missing something so basic nobody has considered it worth stating
> explicitly.
> --
> -,Bjartur

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2011 19:00:21 UTC