Re: WADL documentation stylesheet fails with Amazon item search example in WADL spec

On 30/10/2008, at 12:24 PM, Matson Wade wrote:

> I’m considering using WADL, but only if I can generate reasonable  
> documentation. So as a test of the WADL-to-HTML documentation  
> stylesheet, I took the “Amazon Item Search” example from the  
> appendix of the WADL spec and tried to transform it using  
> “wadl_documentation.xls”.

What version of the stylesheet are you using? The Amazon example in  
the spec is uses the 07 namespace, but it appears to be using the 10  
syntax; Marc?

> The transformation failed with both XMLSpy and Oxygen. The error I  
> received in XMLSpy is on line 169 of the XSLT: “Function not in  
> namespace, Error in XPath expression, Function not in namespace”.

What XSLT processor did you use? Oxygen, at least, can use a variety.  
The instructions clearly say that EXSLT support is required.

If I change the namespace to 10 and run it with saxon against the 10  
stylesheet (the 07 stylesheet isn't supported any more), I get;

~> saxon amazon.xml 
wadl_tation-2006-10.xsl > amazon.html
Warning: at xsl:stylesheet on line 40 of 
   Running an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet with an XSLT 2.0 processor
Error on line 173 of 
   FODC0005: AWSECommerceService.xsd  
(No such file or directory)

The warning about XSLT 1.0 can be ignored; the error is because I  
haven't bothered to download Amazon's schema. The HTML it produces  
looks right, taking this into account.

> Has this stylesheet been used at all beyond the Yahoo example?

I'm aware of a fair number of people who use it to document services,  
both inside my company and outside.

> Is it possible to fix the stylesheet so that it works with the  
> examples from the spec?

I think it's more a matter of fixing the example, at least in this case.

Mark Nottingham

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2008 10:11:11 UTC