[web-bluetooth] Pull Request: Make readValue's .then() and event handlers execute in the same order they're mentioned in the spec.

jyasskin has just submitted a new pull request for 

== Make readValue's .then() and event handlers execute in the same 
order they're mentioned in the spec. ==
Preview at 

@g-ortuno I'm being clever here with the adjacent tasks. Could you 
double-check that it looks reasonable to implement? 
`BluetoothDispatcher::OnReadValueSuccess` currently just resolves the 
promise, and doesn't fire any events. To avoid letting another value 
update come in before the event dispatches, we'd either need to run a 
microtask checkpoint (which I could just put in the spec...), queue a 
pair of tasks from `OnReadValueSuccess`, or send two adjacent IPCs to 
get the two tasks queued.

See https://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/web-bluetooth/pull/200

Received on Saturday, 16 January 2016 02:12:14 UTC