[web-bluetooth] Pull Request: Add a way to include all devices in the chooser.

jyasskin has just submitted a new pull request for 

== Add a way to include all devices in the chooser. ==
`requestDevice({acceptAllDevices: true})` matches Scanning's
`requestLEScan({acceptAllAdvertisements: true})`.

Fixes #234.

Preview at 

@domenic, I'm not happy with how I expressed that exactly one of two 
fields in a dictionary must be present, especially since one of the 
fields is actually a boolean that's always present but I actually mean
 "true" for it. Do you have any suggestions? Also, "flag" arguments to
 algorithms: should I be using a boolean instead?

See https://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/web-bluetooth/pull/278

Received on Monday, 29 August 2016 22:45:18 UTC