W3C Media Timed Events TF / WICG DataCue meeting: Monday 18th November

Dear all,

The next meeting of the Media Timed Events TF / WICG DataCue activity is Monday 18th November at 16:00 UTC [1]. It's been a while since TPAC, and since our last call on this topic, so I hope use this meeting to restart our work on the DataCue API.


1.  Select scribe
2.  Review main outcomes from TPAC 2019 DataCue breakout [2] and Media WG / TTWG joint discussion [3]
3.  Review WICG explainer document [4]
4.  Planning steps

This will be a Web Platform Incubator CG call, under the terms of the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement [5]. Please join WICG, if you haven't done so already [6].

Dial-in information is at [7].

I hope you can join us on Monday.


[1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Media-Timed-Events-TF&iso=20191118T16&ah=1
[2] https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-datacue-minutes.html
[3] https://www.w3.org/2019/09/19-mediawg-minutes.html#item01
[4] https://github.com/WICG/datacue/blob/master/explainer.md
[5] https://www.w3.org/community/about/agreements/cla/
[6] https://www.w3.org/community/wicg/
[7] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-web-and-tv/2018Jun/0000.html (member only link)

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2019 12:40:08 UTC