Input sought on perspective document

Hi Media & Entertainment IG participants,

Last month, the IG adopted the "Perspective on Media & Entertainment for the Web" draft. The document is now in IG space. Next steps are to adjust its contents to better represent the views of the IG, and to publish it as a First Public Working Draft.

Based on feedback I got so far, I created the following issues that I feel should be addressed before the document gets published as a First Public Working Draft:

- Drop "Business models" section?

- Promote live content streaming in current trends section

- Talk about machine learning in current trends section

I'd like to invite people to provide feedback on these issues, and on the document in general (structure, content, trends, perspective, requirements).

Feel free to raise issues here or on GitHub (activity on GitHub should be reflected on this mailing-list from now on):


Received on Friday, 15 March 2019 09:51:52 UTC