Reminder: TPAC deadlines very close

Hello Web and TV IG members,

This is a reminder of the upcoming deadlines for W3C TPAC 2015, taking
place in Sapporo, Japan next month:

As you probably know, this is the annual Technical Plenary / Advisory
Committee event during which the Web and TV IG will have a face-to-face
meeting on Monday 26th October. There may be informal media-related
breakout sessions later in the week as well as well as the chance to
join other groups such as the HTML WG media discussion.

== Registration ==
Wednesday 7th October is the deadline for advance registration:

After that date the registration fee increases and space may become limited.

== Accommodation ==
Saturday 26th September is the deadline for W3C hotel discounts (i.e.
tomorrow!). Some room rates are already fully booked.

So if you're planning to attend TPAC in one month's time, please
register and book accommodation as soon as possible!

With regards,

Received on Friday, 25 September 2015 05:48:10 UTC