Re: [api] Draft Agenda of Media API CC on Wednesday Jan 22nd

I don’t think we need a new task force for this. I believe we agreed at TPAC that we’d just repurpose the remaining Media API Task Force to be the single, general-purpose IG task force, given the current lower level of activity and the overhead of running multiple task forces.

I suggest that anyone who is a proponent of Web support for fingerprinting start a discussion thread on the IG mail list. We can then decide whether there is sufficient interest, whether there is a perceived gap in the Web API and what the next steps should be (phone call, requirements document, CG or nothing).


On Jan 21, 2014, at 12:37 PM, Kazuyuki Ashimura <<>> wrote:

In that case, should we create another specific TF?

Or maybe we can generate another requirements document
as well, can't we?



On 01/22/2014 05:17 AM, Ng, Sheau (NBCUniversal) wrote:
I agree with Mark. It’s really something that the IG ought to address.

Sheau Ng | NBCUniversal | P: +1.609.759.0819

From: <Vickers>, Mark Vickers <<>
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 3:05 PM
To: Sheau Ng <<> <>>
Cc: Kazuyuki Ashimura <<> <>>,
"<> <>"
<<> <>>
Subject: Re: [api] Draft Agenda of Media API CC on Wednesday Jan 22nd

These sound more like potential new items for the IG (which is always
great!), rather than something to add to the current requirements
document that we’re trying to close.

On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Ng, Sheau (NBCUniversal)
<<> <>> wrote:

Kaz, et al,
In addition to ATSC’s CFP, there is also currently an CIMM-SMPTE
sponsored CFP for similar technology.
CIMM-SMPTE-RFI_Open-ID-Binding-to-Essence_12 17 2013

Sheau Ng | NBCUniversal | P: +1.609.759.0819

From: Kazuyuki Ashimura <<> <>>
Organization: W3C/Keio
Reply-To: Kazuyuki Ashimura <<> <>>
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 2:25 PM
To: "<> <>"
<<> <>>
Subject: Re: [api] Draft Agenda of Media API CC on Wednesday Jan 22nd
Resent-From: <<> <>>
Resent-Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 2:26 PM

Hi Bin and all,

Thanks for sending out this agenda, Bin!

BTW, when Daniel and attended the Second Screen Summit [1] in Las
Vegas two weeks ago, there were many people interested in not only
second screen (=synchronizing multiple screens for TV apps) but also
how to identify the content and the user and get payment.  Also we've
just found some news post [2] on ATSC's watermarking technology for
automatic content recognition.

So we were wondering if it would make sense for us to think about
that point (=recognizing the content and the user for payment and
content protection).

Any thoughts?




On 01/22/2014 03:35 AM, HU, BIN wrote:

Just a friendly reminder that we will have an Media API conference call
at 9am EST on Wednesday Jan 22^nd .

The CC logistics is as follows:

  * Time:*14:00Z* (=6:00 Pacific, 7:00 Mountain, 9:00 Eastern, 14:00
    UTC, 15:00 Europe, 23:00 Korea/Japan)
  * Phone: US: *+1 617 761 6200* or SIP: *<>*
  * Conference Code: *932881* ("webtv1")
  * IRC channel: *#webtv*

The draft agenda is as follows:

 1. Roll call, introductions and selection of scribe
 2. Review of action items and issues
 3. Review Schedule of Wrap-up Work to produce a WG Note
 4. Follow up the discussion on Tuner API CG
 5. Review the initial draft of WG Note if available
 6. Any Other Business

Thank you

Bin Hu | Service Standards | AT&T

Kaz Ashimura, W3C Activity Lead for Web&TV, MMI and Voice
Tel: +81 466 49 1170

Kaz Ashimura, W3C Activity Lead for Web&TV, MMI and Voice
Tel: +81 466 49 1170

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2014 21:48:10 UTC