Invitation to the Web and Broadcasting BG F2F Meeting in Tokyo

Hi IG members,

In the spirit of enhancing interaction and collaboration between the Web and 
Broadcasting BG and the Web and TV IG, I'd like to extend an invitation to 
attend the BG f2f meeting to IG members interested in broadcasting-related issues.

As some of you may know, the third Web and Broadcasting BG meeting is scheduled 
for June 6 from 9:00(JST) in Tokyo, Japan. We have a wiki page [1] for the f2f 
meeting where you can see our potential agenda items and logistics.

We've already had a variety of interesting participants sign up, and we still 
have 10 seats available on a first-come-first-served basis, thanks to the great 
venue provided by Fuji TV, the host organization.

If you would like to join us, please let me know by May 28.

Among the items on the potential agenda [2] is a review of the current status of 
TV-related standards using HTML5 in various countries and regions. NHK, Japanese 
commercial broadcasters and CE manufactures are planning to demonstrate and 
provide hands-on time with their very latest Hybridcast-based pilot devices and 
services which use an HTML5-based hybrid broadcast standard released in March.

Hoping you can join us.

Best regards,


[2] Current potential topics:
* Reviewing existing editor's draft and public draft notes
* Identifying new topics to work on after the f2f meeting
* Reviewing the development of HTML5-based TV standards mainly in
   North America, Europe and Japan
* Discussing liaison between the BG and other groups/organizations
   inside and outside of W3C
* Discussing additional outreach to broadcasters in other countries
   and regions
* Reviewing updates on web-browser-based middleware such as Taizen
   and FirefoxOS, esp. its potential influence on TV sets and radio
* Holding a five-minute lightning talk
* Demoing new devices, programs and service models
** Various Japanese broadcasters would like to demonstrate their very
    latest Hybridcast device and service prototype
* Discussing business models that employ broadcasting and the Web
   synergistically as delivery systems
* Discussing privacy and user tracking technologies for continuous media

Yosuke Funahashi
co-Chair, W3C Web and TV Interest Group
Chair, W3C Web and Broadcasting Business Group
Researcher, Keio University Research Institute at SFC
Board Director, Tomo-Digi Corporation

Received on Friday, 24 May 2013 08:58:01 UTC