webtv-ISSUE-62: Media Source Extensions (MSE) Testing [testing]

webtv-ISSUE-62: Media Source Extensions (MSE) Testing [testing]


Raised by: Bin Hu
On product: testing

Provide comprehensive test suite for HTML5 Media Source Extensions (MSE) specification to support adaptive and live streaming to a variety of devices such as TVs / STBs, smart phones, tablets, and PCs, etc


HTML5 MSE extends HTMLMediaElement to allow JavaScript to generate media streams for playback, thus facilitates a variety of use cases like adaptive streaming, time shifting live streams, ad insertion and video editing, etc.

MSE is specifically important for a variety of devices such as TVs / STBs, smart phones, tablets, and PCs etc.

Supporting MSE Testing will accelelate the time-to-market of MSE-enabled device, offer the consumers with MSE-enabled video services and provide end users with better user experience.

User Agent support is required as the JavaScript library needs to be extended to support MSE.

What needs to be standardized: 
User Agent needs to be exposed with MSE-enabled JavaScript library.

Received on Thursday, 28 March 2013 22:21:56 UTC