Re: [testing] draft of liaison letter [ISSUE-65]

Updated to incorporate suggested changes.


[contact] at [organization],

The Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) is sending this survey to ask for [organization] input to help prioritize W3C test development. The W3C has started an unprecedented effort to greatly increase the test coverage of W3C tests[1][2]. The W3C understands that other organizations are referencing HTML5 and other W3C specifications. As today, all the tests and test harnesses will be available for use by other organizations at no cost. In addition, the tests will also be reorganized to make usage by outside organizations easier.

Please replay to this e-mail with your answers in the enclosed table. You may include your answers in the HTML table or scan the table as an enclosure. Just use whatever is most convenient.

Please use the following values under the "Reference" column:

  *   P = The indicated specification is already referenced in one of your published specifications.
  *   F = The indicated specification will be referenced in one of your future published specifications.
  *   N (or blank) = You have no official plans to reference the indicated specification.

Please use the following values under the "Testing" column:

  *   M = Testing of the indicated specification is mandatory.
  *   O = Testing of the indicated specification is optional.
  *   N (or blank) = There will be no testing of this specification.

Under the "Date Needed" column, please enter an estimated date when the test would be needed (e.g. "Now" or "Q1 2014").

Feel free to also contact me concerning any additional issues, such as liaison relationships, participation in the W3C testing activity, or information on any other W3C efforts.

[W3C Staff Member] (probably Giuseppe)



(Add a "Date Needed" column.)
Feature Coverage Table
Group   Category        CoreMob Reference       Testing
HTML5   Canvas 2D Content       M
        HTML5   M
CSS     CSS 2.1 M
        CSS Animations  M
        CSS Backgrounds and Borders     M
        CSS Color Level 3       M
        CSS Fonts Level 3       M
        CSS Transforms  M
        CSS Transitions M
        CSS Object Model        M
        CSSOM View Model        M
        CSS3 Basic User Interface Model
        CSS Device Adaptation   M
        CSS Flexible Box Layout M
        CSS Image Values and Replaced Content   M
        CSS Media Queries       M
        CSS Selectors Level 3   M
        CSS Text Level 3        M
        CSS Values and Units Module Level 3     M
        CSS Multi-Column Layout
        CSS Namespaces
        CSS Writing Modes
Web APIs        CORS    M
        DOM 3 Events    M
        DOM 4   M
        Progress Events M
        Web Storage     M
        Web Workers     M
        XMLHttpRequest  M
        Server-sent Events
        Device Orientation Event        M
        File API        M
        Geolocatoin API M
        Indexed Database API    M
        Quota Management API    M
        Timing control for script-based animations API  M
        Touch Events v1 M
        Web Messaging API       M
Other W3C       SVG 1.1 2nd Ed. M
        Coverage is quite good. M
        WOFF File Format 1.0    M
        HTML Media Capture      M

1. "Comments: Please let us know anything else that would be relevant to our testing work, such as any requirements for test tools or how to make the tests work well with your testing process.__________________________________________

2. "Confidentiality: Would you like your responses to be:
[  ] W3C Public - Your full reply will be posted on the W3C public Website, or
[  ] W3C Member Confidential - Your full reply will only be available to W3C Members. Your anonymized responses will be included in aggregated results on the public W3C website."

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2013 06:20:03 UTC