Re: Unique identifiers and WebCrypto

Cox supports this work [there should be a standard way to expose a unique
identifier associated with such keys]. Please let me know if we can be of

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Mark Watson <> wrote:

>  Web & TV group,
>  Earlier in the week we discussed requirements for unique identifiers for
> devices in the context of premium video services.
>  Within the WebCrypto group we discussed the idea of pre-provisioned
> symmetric cryptographic keys and the association of unique identifiers with
> these keys. This is based on a proposal from Netflix to address our
> requirements for secure binding of application protocol to devices,
> particularly on TVs, BluRay Players etc.
>  The latest proposal for this is available here:
>  One question in the WebCrypto WG discussion was whether there were
> others who shared this requirement ? Since we discussed this in the Web &
> TV group I am posing the question to this list. Note that the possibility
> for UAs to support pre-provisioned keys is agreed in the WebCrypto group.
> The issue at hand is whether there should be a standard way to expose a
> unique identifier associated with such keys.
>  If you have comments or questions on the proposal please send them to
> the WebCrypto list, particularly if the proposal does or does not meet your
> requirements ( if you are a member or
> if not). This issue will be decided at
> the next WebCrypto call on 11/19.
>  Best regards,
>  Mark Watson
> Netflix

Received on Friday, 2 November 2012 19:51:16 UTC