W3C Web and TV Interest Group - Hello from Accessible Media Inc. (AMI)

Hello everyone,

I'd like to introduce myself as we've just joined the mailing list.

We are Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) and I am Robert Pearson, Director, Accessible Digital Media.  We are a not-for-profit multimedia organization operating two broadcast services, VoicePrint and The Accessible Channel - TACtv, and a companion website (http://www.ami.ca/) in Canada.  Headquartered in Toronto, with offices across the county we serve Canadians who are blind, low vision, deaf or hearing impaired through these two unique services.

*         TACtv is the world's only network to broadcast all programs with open described video and closed captioning and broadcasts Hollywood movies and popular TV shows.

*         VoicePrint is the world's largest broadcast reading service making local, national and international news and information accessible. Daily, our 600 volunteers read and record current articles from leading newspapers and magazines, which are broadcast on TV and online.

If you are in Canada, I encourage you to check out our services.  Each has a designation of "must carry" status assigned by the Canadian government and is thus available in every home with a  digital cable subscription.

We look forward to joining the discussion within this group as we understand that accessibility has been one of your topics of focus and it is of the upmost priority for us.  We have been working on a number of initiatives under the topic of 'web and tv' and we look forward to participating in your discussions in whatever capacity we may be able to do so.

If you have any questions about who we are and what we do, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

I look forward to hearing from you.



direct: 647 729 3917
toll free: 1 800 567 6755
1090 Don Mills Road, Suite 200
Toronto, ON M3C 3R6

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Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 14:58:39 UTC