Re: Webinos specification publicly available

Hi JC,
sorry for the late reply.

I think what you proposed is a good starting point for discussion. As we  
have learned after the work in the HNTF and MPTF, the best approach to  
follow-up on this is to highlight few use cases that we would like to  
enable and for each use case try to answer the fundamental question "what  
is stopping you from doing it right now with the existing web  

I would suggest not to rush into a TF but start discussion on this list  
and once we have enough input and is clear there is something that needs  
to be done and people willing to work on it we can organize a TF. Note  
that a TF is really just an organizational thing, so saying we should  
discuss it on this list is not saying that your proposal is not relevant.

I would then suggest you do the following
1. create one or more use cases for this. You can use this generic template

2. link them from the main IG wiki page. There is a section for open  
discussion, see here:

Let people know once you have done the above and let's discuss on this  
list how to refine this further.


On Sat, 24 Sep 2011 16:58:30 +0200, Jean-Charles JC Verdié  
<> wrote:

> Hi Giuseppe and Claes
> Le 24 sept. 2011 à 10:28, Giuseppe Pascale <> a écrit  
> :
>> Hi Claes,
>> (CCing the web-and-tv public list)
>> On Fri, 02 Sep 2011 07:52:04 -0700, Nilsson, Claes1
>> <> wrote:
>>> FYI,
>>> The Webinos EU research project has now made specifications publicly  
>>> available:  
>>> For the DAP WG most relevant is the deliverable of API specifications,  
>>> Where possible Webinos just refers to an existing API specification  
>>> with first preference W3C. In some cases the existing specification  
>>> does not fulfill Webinos requirements so modifications have been  
>>> specified. For other requirements completely new API specifications  
>>> have been specified. Examples of new APIs are:
>> [skip]
>>> TV Control API
>> As you may know, W3C have since April started a Web&TV IG.
>> Since from what I can see these TV control APIs are at a very first  
>> stage,
>> have you considered bringing your use cases and ideas to the Web&TV IG  
>> for
>> feedbacks?
>> If there are more people interested in this area (and I know there are,
>> based on the discussion in the last IG F2F in Hollywood) could be a good
>> chance to get the TV community to work together in this area.
> MStar is definitely interested in joining such an effort. Following my  
> presentation in the web & tv event I had various feedback of other  
> companies/people whom are also interested.
> It would be interesting to work on how we can minimise the API overhead:
> - using declarative approach (e.g. for channel list)
> - using ssdp like mechanism
> - using messaging or any other approach
> Regards
> JC

Giuseppe Pascale
TV & Connected Devices
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2011 16:14:30 UTC