Virtual Key Identifiers for Television Input

List of Virtual Key Identifiers for Television Input
Name O C A M E R Description
VK_0, VK_1, … VK_9 Digits zero through nine, used for direct channel number entry, and other numeric entry. (U+0030 to U+0039)
VK_A, VK_B, … VK_Z Latin letters A through Z, used with keyboard entry. (U+0041 to U+005A)
VK_ACCEPT Accept current input method sequence conversion, used with keyboard entry.
VK_ADD Add function, used with keyboard entry; cf. plus sign.
VK_ALT Enable alt(ernate) modifier function for interpreting subsequent keyboard input event.
VK_AMPERSAND Ampersand sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+0026)
VK_APPS Toggle display of available (interactive) application list.
VK_ASTERISK Asterisk sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+002A)
VK_AT Commercial at sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+0040)
VK_BACK Navigate to previous content or page (in current history).
VK_BACK_QUOTE Back quote function, used with keyboard entry; grave accent. (U+0060)
VK_BACK_SLASH Back slash or reverse solidus, used with keyboard entry. (U+005C)
VK_BACK_SPACE Back space function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_BALANCE_LEFT Adjust audio balance leftward.
VK_BALANCE_RIGHT Adjust audio balance rightward.
VK_BASS_BOOST_DOWN Decrease bass boost or cycle down through bass boost states.
VK_BASS_BOOST_UP Increase bass boost or cycle up through bass boost states.
VK_BLUE Equivalent to VK_COLORED_KEY_3.
VK_BRACELEFT Left curly bracket, used with keyboard entry. (U+007B)
VK_BRACERIGHT Right curly bracket, used with keyboard entry. (U+007D)
VK_BROWN Equivalent to VK_COLORED_KEY_5.
VK_CANCEL Cancel function.
VK_CAPS_LOCK Toggle cap(ital) lock function for interpreting subsequent keyboard input event.
VK_CHANNEL_DOWN Select next (numerically or logically) lower channel..
VK_CHANNEL_UP Select next (numerically or logically) higher channel.
VK_CIRCUMFLEX Circumflex accent, used with keyboard entry. (U+005E)
VK_CLEAR Clear function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_CLEAR_FAVORITE_0 Clear program or content stored as favorite 0.
VK_CLEAR_FAVORITE_1 Clear program or content stored as favorite 1.
VK_CLEAR_FAVORITE_2 Clear program or content stored as favorite 2.
VK_CLEAR_FAVORITE_3 Clear program or content stored as favorite 3.
VK_COLON Colon, used with keyboard entry. (U+003A)
VK_CLOSE_BRACKET Close bracket, used with keyboard entry; right square bracket. (U+005D)
VK_COLORED_KEY_0 General purpose function key. See also VK_RED.
VK_COLORED_KEY_1 General purpose function key. See also VK_GREEN.
VK_COLORED_KEY_2 General purpose function key. See also VK_YELLOW.
VK_COLORED_KEY_3 General purpose function key. See also VK_BLUE.
VK_COLORED_KEY_4 General purpose function key. See also VK_GREY.
VK_COLORED_KEY_5 General purpose function key. See also VK_BROWN.
VK_COMMA Comma, used with keyboard entry. (U+002C)
VK_CONTROL Enable control modifier function for interpreting subsequent keyboard input event.
VK_CONVERT Convert current input method sequence, used with keyboard entry.
VK_DECIMAL Locale independent decimal separator, used with keyboard entry.
VK_DELETE Delete function, used with keyboard entry. (U+007F)
VK_DIMMER Adjust brightness of device, may toggle between or cycle through states.
VK_DISPLAY_SWAP Swap video sources.
VK_DIVIDE Divide function, used with keyboard entry; division sign.
VK_DOLLAR Dollar sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+0024)
VK_DOWN Navigate or traverse downward.
VK_EJECT_TOGGLE Cause removable media to eject (open) or insert (close).
VK_END End function, used with keyboard entry; go to end of content.
VK_ENTER Activate current selection or accept current input.
VK_EQUALS Equal sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+003D)
VK_ESCAPE Escape function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_EXCLAMATION_MARK Exclamation mark, used with keyboard entry. (U+0021)
VK_EXIT Exit current state or current application (as appropriate).
VK_F1, VK_F2, … VK_F4 First through fourth general function codes, used with keyboard entry.
VK_F5, VK_F6, … VK_F12 Fifth through twelfth general function codes, used with keyboard entry.
VK_F13, VK_F14, … VK_F24 Thirteenth through twenty-fourth general function codes, used with keyboard entry.
VK_FADER_FRONT Adjust audio fader towards front.
VK_FADER_REAR Adjust audio fader towards rear.
VK_FAST_FWD Initiate or continue forward playback at faster than normal speed, or increase speed if already fast forwarding.
VK_FINAL Enable final mode for input method editor, used with keyboard entry.
VK_FORWARD Navigate to next content or page (in current history).
VK_GO_TO_END Seek to end of media or program.
VK_GO_TO_START Seek to start of media or program.
VK_GREATER Greater than sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+003E)
VK_GREEN Equivalent to VK_COLORED_KEY_1.
VK_GREY Equivalent to VK_COLORED_KEY_4.
VK_GUIDE Toggle display of program or content guide.
VK_HELP Toggle display of help information.
VK_HOME Home function, used with keyboard entry; go to start of content; go to home page.
VK_INFO Toggle display of information about currently selected media.
VK_INSERT Insert function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_INSTANT_REPLAY Toggle instant replay.
VK_KANA Toggle kana input function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_KANJI Toggle kanji input function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_KP_DOWN Navigate or traverse downward, used with numeric keypad entry.
VK_KP_LEFT Navigate or traverse leftward, used with numeric keypad entry.
VK_KP_RIGHT Navigate or traverse rightward, used with numeric keypad entry.
VK_KP_UP Navigate or traverse upward, used with numeric keypad entry.
VK_LAST Select previously selected channel (or media).
VK_LEFT Navigate or traverse leftward.
VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS Left parenthesis, used with keyboard entry; open parenthesis. (U+0028)
VK_LESS Less than sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+003C)
VK_LIST Toggle display listing of currently available content or programs.
VK_LIVE Toggle display listing of currently available live content or programs.
VK_LOCK Lock or unlock current content or program.
VK_MENU Toggle display of content or system menu (if available).
VK_META Enable meta modifier function for interpreting subsequent input event.
VK_MINUS Minus sign or hyphen, used with keyboard entry. (U+002D)
VK_MODECHANGE Toggle between or cycle through input modes of input method editor, used with keyboard entry.
VK_MULTIPLY Multiply function, used with keyboard entry; multiplication sign; cf. asterisk.
VK_MUTE Decrease volume to muted level or restore prior volume level if previously muted.
VK_NEXT Equivalent to VK_TRACK_NEXT.
VK_NEXT_DAY If guide is active and displayed, then display next day's content.
VK_NEXT_FAVORITE_CHANNEL Select next favorite channel (in favorites list).
VK_NONCONVERT Accept current input method sequence without conversion, used with keyboard entry.
VK_NUM_LOCK Toggle numeric (pad) mode function for interpreting subsequent keyboard input event.
VK_NUMPAD0, VK_NUMPAD1, … VK_NUMPAD9 Arabic digits 0 through 9, used with keyboard entry while in numeric mode.
VK_NUMBER_SIGN Number sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+0023)
VK_ON_DEMAND Access on-demand content or programs.
VK_OPEN_BRACKET Open bracket, used with keyboard entry; left square bracket. (U+005B)
VK_PAGE_DOWN Scroll down or display next page of content.
VK_PAGE_UP Scroll up or display previous page of content.
VK_PAUSE Pause playback (if not paused or stopped); also used with keyboard entry to pause scrolling output.
VK_PERCENT_SIGN Percent sign, used with keyboard entry. (U+0025)
VK_PERIOD Period or full stop, used with keyboard entry. (U+002E)
VK_PINP_DOWN Move picture-in-picture window downward.
VK_PINP_MOVE Move picture-in-picture window.
VK_PINP_TOGGLE Toggle display of picture-in-picture window.
VK_PINP_UP Move picture-in-picture window upward.
VK_PLAY Initiate or continue playback at normal speed (if not currently playing at normal speed).
VK_PLAY_PAUSE Toggle media play/pause state.
VK_PLAY_SPEED_DOWN Decrease media playback speed.
VK_PLAY_SPEED_RESET Reset playback speed to normal speed (according to current media function).
VK_PLAY_SPEED_UP Increase media playback speed.
VK_PLUS Plus sign or hyphen, used with keyboard entry. (U+002B)
VK_POWER Toggle power state.
VK_PREV Equivalent to VK_TRACK_PREV.
VK_PREV_DAY If guide is active and displayed, then display previous day's content.
VK_PRINTSCREEN Print screen function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_QUOTE Apostrophe or forward quote function, used with keyboard entry. (U+0027)
VK_QUOTEDBL Quotation mark, used with keyboard entry. (U+0022)
VK_QUESTION_MARK Question mark, used with keyboard entry. (U+003F)
VK_RANDOM_TOGGLE Toggle random media or content shuffle mode.
VK_RECALL_FAVORITE_0 Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 0.
VK_RECALL_FAVORITE_1 Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 1.
VK_RECALL_FAVORITE_2 Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 2.
VK_RECALL_FAVORITE_3 Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 3.
VK_RECORD Initiate or resume recording of currently selected media.
VK_RECORD_SPEED_NEXT Toggle or cycle between media recording speeds (if applicable).
VK_RED Equivalent to VK_COLORED_KEY_0.
VK_REWIND Initiate or continue reverse playback at faster than normal speed, or increase speed if already rewinding.
VK_RF_BYPASS Toggle RF (radio frequency) input bypass mode.
VK_RIGHT Navigate or traverse rightward.
VK_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS Right parenthesis, used with keyboard entry; close parenthesis. (U+0029)
VK_SCAN_CHANNELS_TOGGLE Toggle scan channels mode.
VK_SCREEN_MODE_NEXT Advance display screen mode to next available mode.
VK_SCROLL_LOCK Toggle scroll lock function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_SELECT Equivalent to VK_ENTER.
VK_SEMICOLON Semicolon, used with keyboard entry. (U+003B)
VK_SEPARATER Equivalent to VK_SEPARATOR. Note (legacy) misspelling.
VK_SEPARATOR Separator function, equivalent to VK_VERTICAL_LINE.
VK_SETTINGS Toggle display of device settings screen.
VK_SHIFT Enable shift modifier function for interpreting subsequent keyboard input event.
VK_SKIP Skip current content or program.
VK_SLASH Slash or solidus, used with keyboard entry. (U+002F)
VK_SPACE Space function, used with keyboard entry. (U+0020)
VK_SPLIT_SCREEN_TOGGLE Toggle split screen mode.
VK_STOP Stop media playing, pausing, forwarding, rewinding, or recording (if not already stopped).
VK_STORE_FAVORITE_0 Store current program or content as favorite 0.
VK_STORE_FAVORITE_1 Store current program or content as favorite 1.
VK_STORE_FAVORITE_2 Store current program or content as favorite 2.
VK_STORE_FAVORITE_3 Store current program or content as favorite 3.
VK_SUBTITLE Toggle display of subtitles (if available).
VK_SUBTRACT Subtract function, used with keyboard entry; cf. hyphen or minus sign.
VK_SURROUND_MODE_NEXT Advance surround audio mode to next available mode.
VK_TAB Tab function, used with keyboard entry.
VK_TELETEXT Toggle display of teletext (if available).
VK_TILDE Tilde, used with keyboard entry. (U+007E)
VK_TRACK_NEXT Seek to next media or program track.
VK_TRACK_PREV Seek to previous media or program track.
VK_UNDEFINED Used to denote undefined or non-standard virtual key code.
VK_UNDERSCORE Underscore or low line, used with keyboard entry. (U+005F)
VK_UP Navigate or traverse upward.
VK_VERTICAL_LINE Vertical line, used with keyboard entry. (U+007C)
VK_VIDEO_MODE_NEXT Advance video mode to next available mode.
VK_VOLUME_DOWN Decrease volume.
VK_VOLUME_UP Increase volume.
VK_WIDE Toggle device display mode between wide aspect and normal aspect mode.
VK_WINK Cause device to identify itself in some manner, e.g., audibly or visibly.
VK_ZOOM Toggle between full-screen and scaled content.

A check in column labeled 'O' (OCAP) signifies that the virtual key (or its functional equivalent) is defined for use with OCAP 1.1.3; and similarly for the column labeled 'C' (CEA) CEA-2014, 'A' (ATSC) ATSC A/100 DASE Part 2, 'M' (MHEG) MHEG-5 Broadcast Profile, and 'E' (EBIF) Enhanced TV Binary Interchange Format 1.0. The column labeled 'R' signifies that the virtual key is further designated as part of the required, minimum level of device support as specified by at least one of these defining specifications.

The description of virtual keys specified above is to be interpreted as strictly informative.