Re: [HOME_NETWORK_TF] Next Telco Agenda and How to raise issues for the HNTF

Hi Russell,
see inline

On 21/04/11 09.02, Russell Berkoff wrote:
> Hello HNTF Chairs,
> I have some concerns about the organization of the use-case process:
> 1.It appears Tracker is the only "Index" to submitted use cases.
> Otherwise, it appears necessary to "sift-through" the discussion area to
> separate use-cases from other HNTF discussions. It is difficult to
> determine the status of a particular use-case from the discussion section.
Fine by me. Using the wiki allows us to change this in the way we like, 
easily. We can create subsections on the same page or different pages or 
whatever works better for us.

I can try to organize that section better, but feel free to draft a new 
structure yourself and we can discuss it during next telco (or over mail)

> 2.The bundling of multiple uses cases within a single package seems
> problematic. What is status of the bundle? Is it approved as all-or-none.
In my opinion each use case should be a separate submission. Consider 
that the documents currently on the wiki pre-date our use of tracker, 
the submission procedures etc.

I believ Jean-Claude has already started to split his usecases,
others will have to do the same.

> 3.Tracker does not clearly separate use-case submissions from use-case
> issues.
> 4.How do I locate all open tracker issues against a particular use-case?
There could be some limitations in tracker and in the current proposed 
approach and I'm open for suggestions.

Personally I don't believe this is a big issue though.

As stated in other discussions, W3C culture is usually a bit more 
informal and mail oriented than other groups.

So in my view having one issue per usecase and all the discussion for 
that usecase as a related mailthred should be enough.
The submitter is responsible to follow the discussion and update the 
contribution. The latest version (and the hisotry of changes) will 
always be available on the wiki. Before approval people will be able to 
check that version.

So, in short, I think we can work with the tools we have. If needed we 
can give ourselves additional rules, like using additional tags to 
differenciate contributions or create other products or subproducts (if 
possible) in track, but honestly I think this is overkil for now.

Once again, if the group feel different about this we can adapt our 
process. What is other participants opinion?


> Regards,
> Russell Berkoff
> Samsung Electronics
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Giuseppe Pascale
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 7:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: [HOME_NETWORK_TF] Next Telco Agenda and How to raise issues for
> the HNTF
> Hi all,
> I created a wiki page with a draft agenda for the next Telco
> just not to forget anything we postponed from the last telco.
> I'll try to do this for each telco if people think this is useful.
> Feel free to propose any addition to it.
> Note the first point in the agenda "Open issues and actions" with a link
> to this page
> <>
> I would suggest this to be the first agenda point for each call.
> This also mean that your are encouraged to:
> - "raise an issue"[1] whenever you have an important point to make on
> any of the deliverables (and want this to be tracked easily)
> - raise an issue for the existing proposals, as discussed during the
> call and explained here
> If you have any comment or question, please let me know.
> [1]
> --
> Giuseppe Pascale
> TV & Connected Devices
> Opera Software - Sweden

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2011 12:03:18 UTC