[web-adv agenda] 14 November Web Advertising

Hi Web Advertising BG,

We'll meet this Thursday, November 14.

Draft minutes from 7 November,

We welcomed Brightcove and TheTradeDesk and continued to discuss ideas
about the evolution of the platform.

I'll propose the same agenda for this week's call, and again invite
discussion proposals in advance or on the call. If Tess from Apple is
available, we can return to the questions raised about IsLoggedIn, or
perhaps an explainer will be available.

Next meeting: Thursday, 14 November, 2pm Eastern.

Draft agenda:
* Agenda-curation, introductions
* What's on your mind: questions, comments, agenda items?
* Outreach: other potential participants, broader community?

Call-in info at:
(let me know if you need me to send it to you directly).

irc is http://irc.w3.org #web-adv
Github repo: https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising

Wendy Seltzer -- wseltzer@w3.org +1.617.715.4883 (office)
Strategy Lead and Counsel, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
https://wendy.seltzer.org/        +1.617.863.0613 (mobile)

Received on Monday, 11 November 2019 19:13:55 UTC