Re: 2018-05-17 call - thursday 2pm Improving Web Advertising agenda

Some very brief notes:


Liam will put the glossay on a wiki if we have one & github otherwise


<Brendan> Candidate terms, some are out of date
linkd data


Brendan: ad-is - pay-to-play org to get assigned an ID for metadata
which might include UPC, maybe more TV & radio 'cos it's mandated

to track talent exposure

Liam: [wanted Phil Archer on the call before discussing this in depth]


liam: if there's metadata like ad-ids and colours or accessibility,
from creatives & advertisers, and publishers and clients can request
ads, might want same metadata format all round

Katey: typically if a user needs a text ads 'cos using a screen reader
it'll show up as a separate ad [or ad slot]

not sure how that would affect analytics

Brendan: i'd go to browser disclosure primarily for accessibility, for
requesting accessible ads. Want the info available as early as
possible, so prior to ad decisioning

as the value proposition is different

e.g. delivering a video to someone who can't see :)

Also, broadcasting that type of a11y preference might be [privacy

jnovak: yes, there are a11y users who don't want that info be disclosed

but having it part of the user agent may make sense

We also talked a little about a possible workshop in Toronto in
September, and about TPAC.

TPAC looks unlikely, but Toronto more promising.


Liam Quin, W3C,
Staff contact for Verifiable Claims WG, SVG WG, XQuery WG
Improving Web Advertising:
Personal: awesome vintage art:

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2018 18:51:45 UTC