[web-adv] 23 August meeting agenda

Hi Web Advertising BG,

I've set up a new dial-in, info available on the non-public list:
(let me know if you need me to send you the invite directly)
again Thursdays at 2pm Eastern/1800 UTC.

Let's talk tomorrow about focusing on our key issues as group
participants, whether that's definitions, performance, privacy,
accounting, or something else. Should we survey our colleagues for their
most pressing advertising-related needs?

We can also talk about the pre-TPAC meeting in NYC at the NAB show (Oct.


Wendy Seltzer -- wseltzer@w3.org +1.617.715.4883 (office)
Strategy Lead, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
https://wendy.seltzer.org/        +1.617.863.0613 (mobile)

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 20:05:54 UTC