Re: 2018-04-19 agenda, Improving Web Advertising: blockchain and verifiable claims

I'm going to be a little bit late to join, probably 15-20 minutes, due to travel time. Apologies.


Senior Director, UX & Industry Partnerships
IAB Tech Lab

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 8:26 AM -0400, "Katey Houseman" <<>> wrote:

Hi all,

Unfortunately I won't be able to attend today. I am sick and do not have a voice. Apologies!


On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 4:07 AM Phil Archer <<>> wrote:
Sending my regrets for today's call.


On 17/04/2018 17:50, Liam R. E. Quin wrote:
> Webex link is
> 8Mar/0001.html
> IRC - #web-adv (note the hyphen), e.g. or
> irc://<>
> 1. Use case - reducing ad fraud
> * do verifiable credentials and blockchain have a place
>    in reducing ad fraud? and if os, what?
> 2. Related -
> * is there also merit in looking at anonymized tracking?
>    How could that work securely?
> (I was at the Internet Identity Workshop a couple of weeks ago, and
> these technologies are a largepart of that conference these days)
> 3. Workshops and meetings
> We should plan to have a f2f meeting at TPAC in Lyons in October.
> But before then, what about a public Workshop? What areas are most
> promising? Are there trade events or conferences that might make good
> venues?
> Liam

Phil Archer
Director, Web Solutions
+44 (0)7887 767755
Skype: philarcher

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Katey Houseman
Director of Client Engineering, Digital<><>

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2018 17:48:12 UTC