My action on comment LC-2665

Dear all,

I've completed my action to write a new proposed resolution for comment
LC-2665. The new text has been uploaded into the comment tracker system (,
and is also copied here for your convenience:

[Start of resolution]
This document provides informative guidance with regard to the
interpretation and application of WCAG 2.0 to non-Web documents and
software. WCAG is a standard for Web content accessibility, and it does not
deal with such things as hardware aspects of products, closed products and
requirements for non-user interface aspects of platforms, nor individual

For this reason, this document is not sufficient by itself to ensure
accessibility in non-Web documents and software. Addressing accessibility
for non-Web documents and software may involve provisions beyond those
included in this document. Authors and developers are encouraged to seek
relevant advice about current best practices to ensure that non-Web
documents and software are accessible, as far as possible, to people with
[End of resolution]

Best regards,

Loïc Martínez-Normand
DLSIIS. Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo
28660 Boadilla del Monte
tfno: +34 91 336 74 11

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 23:01:50 UTC