CSS Techniques (Techniques XML Submission Form)

 checkbox checked

Submission Results:

Technology: CSS Techniques 
Techniques Category: Fonts 
Submitter's Name: Yvette Hoitink 
Submitter's Email: y.p.hoitink@heritas.nl

<technique id="UNKNOWN">
<short-name>Do not change the default font size</short-name>
 <guideline idref="" />
 <success-criterion idref="UNKNOWN" />



CSS allows you to change the default font size, for example to 80%, 0.8em or 5pt. This means the user will see the site in a smaller font than the user likes or needs. 

Users who are visually impaired may need a smaller (tunnel vision) or larger font size (low vision). Do not change the default font size of the main text so the font size specified in the user agent is used. 


 <affects group="UNKNOWN" />








Additional Notes:

Received on Wednesday, 3 August 2005 11:59:27 UTC