Re: WIKI Cleanup - update

After doing final check of past emails on my three techniques, I have moved
them to "Ready for XML" status.

Best, Tim Boland NIST

   At 10:01 AM 4/3/2006 -0500, you wrote:

>Team C,
>I managed to get through all of 2.1.1 and it's techniques. See the Team C
>[1] page for status.
>2.1.2 is complete as it really has no techniques of its own - it simply
>refers to 2.1.1
>I have also done some partial work on the SC for guidelines 2.2, 2.5, and
>4.2 as follows:
>- checked all "How to meet" documents to ensure that the numbering is
>consistent with the latest draft.
>- labeled with [DRAFT] any technique that is not yet created and any
>technique that is not totally approved. Most of the ones that are approved
>with edits have only one or two reviewers that have not responded with
>approval of the edits. I have polled all of them once again with the
>exception of Tim's 3 techniques and 2 of Michael's. I sent Tim and Michael
>separate notes about those 5 techniques. Six of our SC (2.2.1, 2.2.2,
>2.5.1, 2.5.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.3) fail to meet one or both of the following
>criteria required for publication:
>-- at least one sufficient technique approved for publication for each
>-- all failure technique approved for publication
>I plan to ensure that the "How to meet" documents all have the right
>technique titles.
>I think that takes care of everything in Ben's checklist with respect to
>the "How to meet" documents.
>So all we have to do is concentrate on the techniques themselves. I have
>our version of Ben's checklist on the wiki to reflect the progress I have
>made. If you can review some of the techniques, all you have to do is the
>items under "Techniques" in Ben's checklist [2]. Just remember to edit the
>Team C page to put your name by the techniques you are working on. Start
>with the ones that are "Ready for XML".
>IBM Accessibility Center
>(512) 838-9903,
>Internal Tie Line 678-9903,

Received on Monday, 3 April 2006 16:36:18 UTC