Team B Agenda for Mar 6, 2007

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1.More Cognitive proposals:

2. Wording of SC 2.4.6
We've had some interesting discussion on the list. Can we turn this into a
concrete proposal?

3. Level Change proposal for SC 2.4.5
  This was sent back to Team B to close language on issues 839, 841,
1052, 1289. The resolution was:
RESOLUTION: SC 2.4.5 is promoted to Level 2. Change intent section to
reflect provision which does not require "uniqueness" (2.4.5 and
G130). Referred back to Team B for language to close language on
issues 839, 841, 1052, 1289.

The actions are described in 841:

Comments can be found at:

Received on Monday, 5 March 2007 22:38:37 UTC