Re: Action items from 1/23/07 meeting

Hi All,

Loretta, thank you for the note.

> Loretta - add discussiono to How To Meet 1.4.5, 1.4.6 about why 200%

It is important for the WG to present the reason why it is required,
whenever we require the authors to do something like "200%", "3
seconds", "10 times" and so on. The rationale would be fine even if it
is not research-based.

Another my concern about "200%" is how the authors can be responsible
for "200%". How can the authors ensure that text can be resized up to
200% if the  future version of the user agents won't provide the zoom
function up to "200%"? For example, if IE 8 or later limit the zoom
function up to 180% in the future, what can the authers do? Though the
Japanese version of IE 7 can zoom text up to 400%.

The readers will ask us such a question if we specify the value of
200% or anything else in the SC. Actually I couldn't understand it
when I read the How to Meet documents on 1.4.5 and 1.4.6.


2007/1/24, Loretta Guarino Reid <>:
> Sean - send Loretta example for How to Meet 1.4.6
> All - send Loretta resources for dynamic layout
> Gez - review techniques for How To Meet 1.4.5, 1.4.6 for correctness,
> completeness
> Loretta - add discussiono to How To Meet 1.4.5, 1.4.6 about why 200%
> Sorcha - Compose responses to conformance/baseline comments, based on
> the revised Conformance section

Received on Tuesday, 23 January 2007 20:20:49 UTC